
  • Nargis Jamil
  • Mohammad Shafiq
  • Kausar Tasneem
  • Ghosia Lutfullah
  • Jamil ur Rehman


Background: Presence of glucose on Hb1-c is established and represents a post translational glycosylation by a slow
non-enzymatic process occurring during the 120 days' life span of RBCs. It is an indicator of long term glycemic
control. Glycohemoglobin is directly related to blood glucose level. Methods: 50 randomly selected diabetic patients
were included and divided into two groups B and C of 25 subjects each. The subjects of group C were the diabetics
who were confirmed cases of CHD. while group B were the diabetics without any complications. Group A consisted
of healthy controls (n=25). Glycohemoglobin was determined by column chromatography while blood glucose was
estimated by enzymatic method. Results: Blood glucose was increased in both the patient groups (p<0.001).
Comparison of HbA| revealed a highly significant rise (p<0.001) in both the groups against normal control subjects
of group A. Correlation of Hb1-c with glucose in all the three groups was directly positive (r=+0.4). Conclusions: The
results of the present study suggest an association between HbA1-c hyperglycemia and the incidence of CHD in


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How to Cite

Jamil, N., Shafiq, M., Tasneem, K., Lutfullah, G., & Rehman, J. ur. (2000). GL YCOHEM OG LOB IN AND INCIDENCE OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(2). Retrieved from