
  • S. Saleem A. Jafri
  • M. Ahmed
  • S. Husain
  • F.A. Khan


Transrectal ultrasonography is a useful method of imaging the prostate gland. Endorectal ultrasonography may
be used in the assessment of the enlarged or nodular prostrate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis and
prostatic cancer can be evaluated by this technique. In the management of patients with prostatic cancer,
transrectal ultrasound scanning is invaluable in the diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up of the disease.
We at Jinnah Hospital/Lahore General Hospital Lahore are using this technique for the imaging of prostate for
the last many years. In this paper we will describe our experience regarding the value of transrectal ultrasound
guided biopsy of the prostate in the diagnosis of prostatic cancer. A consecutive series of 200 ultrasound-guided
biopsies of the prostate have been analysed. In 121 patients, in whom malignancy was suspected by both digital
examination and ultrasound, 72 cancers were confirmed histologically. In 33 patients in whom digital rectal
examination suggested cancer but ultrasound was normal, 3 cancers were confirmed. In 30 patients with a
normal digital examination but a suspicious ultrasound appearance, 5 cancers were proven.
Key Words: Transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate; Prostatic biopsy; Imaging of the prostate by ultrasound.


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How to Cite

Jafri, S. S. A., Ahmed, M., Husain, S., & Khan, F. (1998). TRANSRECTAL ULTRASOUND GUIDED BIOPSY OF THE PROSTATE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 10(1). Retrieved from