
  • Junaid Sarfraz Khan
  • Saima Tabasum
  • Usman Khalil Yousafzai


Background: The main purpose of this study was to identify differences, if any, in theMedical Education Climate between the Private and Public Medical Colleges in the Provinceof Punjab affiliated with the University of Health Sciences, Lahore and to gatherrecommendations from students on measures that need to be taken to improve theenvironment. Methods: This Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Prospective Study wasconducted in 2008. The population of the study consisted of 1612 MBBS Final Year MedicalStudents of both Private and Public Medical Colleges. Stratified Random Sampling was doneto ensure representation of both Sectors. Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure(DREEM) was used to assimilate Quantitative Data and a Questionnaire consisting of 10items was used to accumulate Qualitative Data. To analyse Quantitative Data, t-test and Chisquare tests were used. Common themes were identified in the Qualitative Data. Results: Allthe SIX Research Hypotheses were rejected and Null Hypotheses were upheld. Analysis ofQualitative Data indicated a number of Examination, Curriculum, Teaching Methodology,Teacher and Peer related Stressors without discrimination in students of both Private andPublic Sectors. Solutions by students focused on improving co-ordination betweenInstitutions and University of Health Sciences as well as developing and deliveringClinically-Centred, Community-Oriented and Problem-Based Education through developmentof appropriate Teaching Methodologies. Conclusions: Even though there is no difference inthe Medical Education Climate between the Private and Public Medical Education Sectors,the Environment is less than Ideal. However, this can be improved through shifting the onusof Education from Teacher-Centred Didactic Approach to a more Student-Centred SelfLearning Strategy. In this paradigm shift the UHS, Lahore needs to play a pivotal role inorder to effectively train the Trainers and standardise this change throughout Punjab.Keywords: Medical Education Environment, Private Medical Sector, Public Medical Sector,DREEM, Problem-based Education, MCAT, COME, PBL


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