
  • Syed Asad Ali
  • Abdul Ghani Soomro
  • Syed Muhammad Tahir
  • Abdul Sattar Memon


Background: Audit is a means of quality control for medical practice by which the profession shouldregulate its activities with intention of improving overall patient care. Objective of this study was toreport 1 year basic clinical audit of a general surgical ward and comparison of results with availabledata. Methods: All patients admitted and managed in Department of Surgery Unit-II, LiaquatUniversity Hospital, Jamshoro/Hyderabad from January to December 2007 were included in the studyfor basic clinical audit. Data of all surgical patients admitted during this period were retrieved from thedepartmental register. Details of surgical procedures and complications were recorded from thepatients’ charts. Results: Total number of patients was 1434, out of which 844 (58.85%) were malesand 590 (41.14%) were females. Majority (70.02%) of the patients were between 16 to 50 years of age.Elective surgeries were performed in 487 (33.74%) and emergency surgeries in 430 (29.79%) cases,whereas rest of the 526 patients (36.28%) were managed conservatively. Consultant was the primarysurgeon in less than 50% of the procedures compare to post graduate trainees and registrars. The mostcommon surgeries performed in elective wing were inguinal hernia repairs (25.66%) andcholecystectomies (22.99%). In emergency wing, most of the surgeries were exploratory laparotomies(38.13%) and appendicectomies (22.79%). Average duration of hospital stay in elective wing was 1–10days and in emergency wing it was 2–21 days. There was an overall complication rate of 6.3% and amortality rate of 2.44% respectively. Conclusion: We conclude that surgical audit has potentialbenefits for patients, clinicians, and provision of services for a continuous education, research andimproved practice habits and should be perform on yearly basis. We also recommend the propercomputerised audit programs and committees for its monitoring and evaluation.Keywords: Clinical Audit, Surgery, Outcome


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