
  • Waqar ur Rehman Qureshi
  • Muhammad Asif
  • Iftikhar Hossein Qari
  • Javed Akhtar Qazi


Background: Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is one of the cytokines produced by macrophages, monocytes anddentritc cells. Macrophages are present in apical granuloma and the wall of the radicular cyst. Thiscytokine causes the cyst expansion and is involved in proliferation of fibroblasts in the cyst wall andstimulate the fibroblasts to produce more prostaglandin. Radicular cyst is the most common cyst of thejaws which is usually associated with necrotic pulp of the tooth. The cyst formation requiresproliferation of the epithelial rest cells of Malassez present in the periodontal ligament. Proliferation ofepithelial rest cells of Malassez is an essential event in the Pathogenesis of radicular cyst. Objective ofthe study was to investigate the effect of IL-1 on epithelial cell proliferation which is an importantfactor in the pathogenesis of radicular cyst. Methods: The cyst walls of 20 radicular cysts wereremoved and were cultured in vitro to grow the epithelial cells. The culture were rapidly contaminatedand dominated by growth of fibroblasts. Therefore another cell line was used for the experiments.Results: The result showed that proliferation was stimulated with increased in a biphasic manner withmaximum stimulation at 1.25 ηg/ml, beyond this concentration proliferation was decreased.Conclusion: IL-1 had a proliferative effect on epithelial cells at low concentrations which may beplaying a role in evoking an inflammatory reaction and stimulating the epithelial cell rests of Malassezto proliferate to form radicular cyst.Keywords: Interleukin-1, radicular cyst, epithelial cell rests of Malassez, Epithelial cell proliferation


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