
  • Saadia Shahzad
  • Humaira Zareen


Background: Management in health sector is becoming focus of attention world over being animportant subject due to resource crunch particularly in developing countries. Beside sociodemographic factors, poor management in health sector is also an important factor responsible for poorhealth in developing countries. Moreover, there is gross lack of effective leadership in our nationalsetup. It is necessary for health managers to be well versed with the knowledge about emergingtheories, concepts and new philosophies of management/administration and leadership. Thisanthropological study was done to assess the perception and knowledge of Intellectual stimulation,creativity and innovation among the health managers working in the tertiary level hospitals of Lahore.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in two public sector tertiary care hospitals of Lahore.Observation and in-depth interviews were conducted for data collection. Open ended questionnaire,developed on the lines of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used. One main domain ofIntellectual stimulation and its variables were developed and emergence of different themes was noted.Results: In the domain of Intellectual stimulation all the participants of the study showed positivethemes for the variable of creativity. Seven of the health managers showed positive themes for thevariable of innovation, where as three health managers showed negative responses. Conclusion: Healthmanagers with management/administration qualification had better concept about the key ideas ofIntellectual stimulation, creativity and innovation; as compared to those who were working at thesemanagerial posts on the basis of their long term experience only. Female health managers were strongerin building their team members on a broader horizon as a wholesome personality and not just taking thedaily routine work.Keywords: Intellectual stimulation, creativity, innovation, health managers


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