
  • Zaheeruddin Qureshi
  • Sarfaraz Ahmed
  • Irfan Zaffar Haider
  • Khalid Khan


Background: Hydrocoele is an abnormal quantity of serous fluid within the tunica vaginalis. Itcan be primary or secondary. The primary can in turn be congenital or acquired. Objective of thisstudy was to see the frequency of primary hydrocoeles in children presenting to Ayub TeachingHospital, Abbottabad. Methods: This prospective study was conducted in Surgical ‘B’ Unit, AyubTeaching Hospital, Abbottabad, from Feb 2007 to Feb 2009. All Children above 6 months agewith hydrocoeles and operated were included in this study. All details were recorded on aproforma. The collected data were analysed, results calculated, and conclusions drawn. Results: Inall 186 operated cases, the maximum (58, 37%) incidence was in 2–3 years age group. Injury tothe vas occurred in 1 (0.7%) case, infection rate was 0% and scrotal haematoma occurred in 18%cases. Conclusion: Children with hydrocoeles should be operated after 6 months age. Herniotomyis the only satisfactory treatment and in expert hands complications are very rare.Keyword: Hydrocoeles, Herniotomy, infants


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