
  • Fauzia Shafi Khan
  • Rabiya Fayyaz Hasan


Background: Hodgkin’s disease is a malignant process of lymphoreticular system that constitutes6% of childhood cancers Accurate staging of lymphoma is the basis for rational therapeutic planningand assessment of the presence or absence of marrow involvement is a basic part of the stagingevaluation. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of marrow infiltration inpaediatric patients with Hodgkin’s disease and to ascertain its morphological spectrum in themarrow. Methods: The study included 85 paediatric patients with diagnosed Hodgkin’s disease seenat The Children’s Hospital/Institute of Child Health, Lahore, from January 2010 to December 2011,referred to haematology department for bone marrow biopsies. Results: Ages ranged between twoyears to fourteen years with an average age of seven years, the male female ratio being 13:1. Mixedcellularity was the commonest histological type present in 66 (78%) cases. The presenting featurecommon in all cases was superficial lymphadenopathy followed by hepatomegaly in 17 (20%) casesand splenomegaly in 16 (19%). All the marrow aspirates were negative for infiltration, Trephinebiopsies revealed marrow infiltration in 9 (10.5%). Five (56%) cases had bilateral while 4 (44%) hadunilateral involvement. Pattern of infiltration was diffuse in 8 (89%) and focal in one (11%)trephines. Increased marrow fibrosis was present in eight (89%) cases. Diagnostic Reed Sternbergcells were identified in only one case and the mononuclear variants were present in six cases andatypical cells were present in two cases in these immunohistochemistry for CD15 and CD30 wasperformed which was positive. Granulomas in one and lymphoid aggregates were present in twotrephine biopsies otherwise negative for Hodgkin’s infiltration. Conclusion: Bone marrowinfiltration was present in 10.5% cases, immunohistochemistry was used to confirm infiltration intwo cases, the pattern of infiltration being diffuse in majority (89%).Keywords: Hodgkin’s Disease, Bone marrow biopsy


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