
  • Syed Javid Hussain
  • Atif Hameed
  • Hassan Shahzad Nazar
  • Ania Javid
  • Yousaf Shah
  • Waqas Hameed
  • Muhammad Shah Miran


Background: Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders. A large number oftreatment options have been used so far for the treatment of this dysfunction and still a large number ofexperts are doing research in this field. Here we have tried to research on the beneficial effects oflevosulpiride in the treatment of PE. Methods: Eighty-eight patients form different areas of Hazaradivision suffering from PE were chosen. Sixty-four patients were given levosulpiride and the remaining24 patients were given Placebo. Results: Out of 64 patients who have been given levosulpiride, 30patients showed very good improvement, 14 patients showed some improvement, 14 patients showedlittle and 06 patients showed no improvement. Conclusion: levosulpiride have very good beneficialeffects in the treatment of PE.Keywords: levosulpiride, premature ejaculation


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