
  • Mohammad Naeem
  • Muhammad Adil
  • Syed Hussain Abbas
  • Muhammad Zia-ul-Islam Khan
  • Syeda Maria Naz
  • Ayasha Khan
  • Muhammad Usman Khan


Background: Poliomyelitis mainly affects children under five years of age. Pakistan is one of the fewcountries where wild polio is still endemic. The purpose of this study was to find out the coverage rateand factors associated with the failure of OPV in urban and rural areas of Peshawar. Methods: Thiscross-sectional study was conducted in Peshawar. Data was collected through random sampling inPeshawar University, Peshawar Saddar, Hashtnagri, Naway Kalay and Pawaka from 9th to 19th June2010. A questionnaire was used to interview parents of 548 children, aged four years and below, aboutdemographics, OPV vaccination status, reasons for missed vaccination and views on immunization andEPI staff. Forty workers from immunization staff were also interviewed through a separatequestionnaire to find out factors associated with low OPV coverage. Chi-square test was used forstatistical testing and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: Only 64.2% children werecompletely vaccinated, 13.3 % not vaccinated at all, and 22.4% were incompletely vaccinated. Thereasons for not vaccinating were lack of awareness (23.8%), family problem/mother busy (20.8%),centre too far (21.3%), wrong ideas (10.2%), fear of reaction (7.6%), child ill (5.6%) and miscellaneouscauses (10.6%). The problems faced by the EPI staff were lack of awareness among people (32.5%),load shedding (20.0%), poor transport facilities (10.0%), unavailability of vaccines (10.0%) andinsecurity (10.0%). Conclusion: Low vaccination coverage in Peshawar is mainly due to lowawareness among people, poor economic conditions and poor salaries, insecurity and transportproblems faced by the immunization staff.Keywords: OPV, Immunization, EPI, Polio


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